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Things You Must Not Post On Your Dating Profile

After much pondering, you have finally decided to download a dating app. You have installed it, and now you are looking forward to connecting with the opposite sex. Before you go ahead and the app connects you with them, it is but necessary that you create an impressive profile.

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But unfortunately, it is seen that people make some bizarre mistakes while doing so. So that you don't end up committing the same error, here is a list of things you should not post on your profile:

Description with Emojis Only

It is funny. Isn't it? You are an adult who is looking for another adult. So, it is but mandatory for you to use words only. In your mind, you may be creating an image of yourself, but others may not think so.

Photo with your Ex

Many believe a smiley picture with a guy would be presumed to be with your brother, but your body language says it all. Do not make such a folly.

You may be looking good in the picture, but you should crop it. Questions may arise in the minds of people who would look at your profile. And don't forget your ex may also be using the same app.

Too Much Personal Information

Though you may know it already, we wanted to repeat it so that you don't make any mistake about it. There is no need to post your full name, home address, email address, or your phone number. Most of the dating apps connect you to like-minded people having mutual interests.

In an age of technology, do not underestimate how much more can be known about you with a little personal information given away just like that.

Selfies Only

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Selfies indeed are a great way of presenting yourself the way you want to, and they are easier to upload as well. But if all the pictures are selfies, you leave an impression of being a self-obsessed person.


The first thing that one must add is how unique you are and how much fun you have. It is an excellent way to tell the potentials what your likes and dislikes are.

But you should write any of these things as these are boring and everyone does it. Add some specific stuff like which book you like to read, favorite movie and the thing that makes you happy.

Fake Information

You have just turned 40, and you think that a younger girl won't look at your profile if you post your real age. You may be conscious about your shape or size, so you decide to make a fake profile, but this won't help.

These things are a big deal no matter what you think about them.

Summing up

Besides the above, make sure you don't make any grammatical errors. Spelling mistakes can make you appear lazy and who would want to date a lazy person. Hence, write a good description and have fun.